It’s always nice to hear from our friends.
Just the other day I got a call from one friend who I hadn’t talked to in quite some time.
Naturally we talked about our lives and what we’d been up to. Work, family, friends and what not.
During the course of the conversation they happened to mention that they had been reading my blog daily and how much they were enjoying my posts.
But they wanted to know two things.
- How can I find stuff to write about every day?
- Don’t I ever take a break?
Two very good questions so I thought today that I’d answer them both.
Answering the first question is pretty simple – I find inspiration in books, movies, friends stories, blogs and, obviously, my own life.
When I first started writing this blog I wasn’t sure how much I’d be able to write or whether I could keep coming up with valuable lessons of life to share with people.
But once I got going, things just fell into place.
At present I’ve written about 75 posts but have another 200 drafts, just waiting to be finished. And that doesn’t include my voice notes on my iPhone that I whip out whenever I see, hear, think or come across a good idea.
The inspiration for today’s post was my friends’ call.
And I have no doubt that each one of us knows much more about certain things than we even know.
It’s just that we never use it so it just lays dormant in our mind.
As such I encourage all of my clients to keep some sort of written record of their life.
You may be surprised just how useful it may become.
As for the second question – of course I do. In order to be effective I need time to rest both my mind and my body.
I sleep about 5 hours a night but do try and squeeze in a power nap a few times a week.
Would I like more?
Sure, who wouldn’t?!
I LOVE sleep…but I also know that there are things I want, and need, to do.
Each and every day I consider my family, my mission and my life and do my best to keep a good balance between them.
It isn’t always easy, and I do get tired but, in the end, it’s all worth it.
Got any more questions for me?
Feel free to send me an email at [email protected].
Look forward to hearing from you.
Adrian Shepherd
Hi Adrian! I check your blog every morning, and this is one of my routine. The reason that i like your blog is because not only interesting but i can learn lots of things. That’s because you have a sophisticated experiences through your life and i can know these things and also get new knowledge through this blog.
i appreciate that you post your blog constantly and looking forward to seeing your next one.
Take care!
Hi Ryoji…thanks for the message…great to hear that you’ve made my blog a part of your routine 🙂 It takes just a few minutes each day but I hope that some of the ideas I can pass along to you help you see things in a new light.
Good morning, my great teacher!
Yes, everyone knows a variety of things. If we change our point of view even a little, everyone can become a writer. But I know almost all of people say, “I don’t have any story to write and ability, too.” My opinion is that just write like your chat, that’s enough. One Newspaper article said, “Writing is thinking.”