About Me

My Mission is to Help You Reach New Levels of Stunning Achievement and Unmatched Excellence

Some words about me

Not many people can trace back to where everything changed for them, but I can.
It was December 26th, 2004.
That was the day where everything changed.
I was given a second chance at life.
From that day on, I made it my mission to help others achieve more.
I knew I had to become more.
I became a student.
I picked up books, audio programs and DVD trainings of the greatest minds in personal development, marketing, finance and time management.
This site is all about sharing ideas and tools that can transform people’s lives.
I’ve been a part of partnerships, multi level marketing, franchises, and am now a Joint Venture Broker helping businesses and individuals go to the next level.
My biggest passion today, is the concept of time.

Adrian Shepherd

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High Performance Coaching

Is coaching for you?

All my life I’ve wanted to make a contribution; to help make the lives of people around me better. And now I can do that in an even bigger way. Whether you live in England or Japan, America or Tasmania, the Internet makes possible what just a short time ago impossible.

“Life change starts with education…”

That’s just one of the things Jim Rohn taught me. But here’s the thing, I was educated. I attended private schools and earned a degree from a prestigious university, and yet, something wasn’t adding up. It wasn’t until I started my own business that I realized how woefully unprepared I was to handle the vigors of an entrepreneur. And it cost me. I spent many sleepless nights, wondering if I’d lose everything I invested in it. But it forced me to take a good look…


What others say about me.

The One-Bite Time Management System is a powerful, practical, fast moving program full of great ideas on productivity that you can use immediately to get more done faster.
Brian Tracy
best-selling author of “Eat That Frog”

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