If you’ve read some of my other time management tips here, then you’ll know just how much I value time and believe that it’s one of the keys to success.
It doesn’t take a degree in rocket science to know that we’ve only got so much time.
For some, it’s very short. For others, longer. But regardless of your race, color or creed there is one thing that we all share and that is a time limit here on earth.
One of my parents’ friends knew that he didn’t want to spend his life behind a desk. He was an avid mountain climber and it was all he wanted to do but he also knew he needed money to travel all over the world to do it.
He looked around at all his friends and saw that they worked all year for maybe one, and if they were lucky, two months a year. That wasn’t for him.
He wanted to make a lot of money without investing a lot of his time. Something I’m sure many of us wish we could do as well.
So he sat down and thought about how he could achieve it.
He went to the library as he didn’t have much money at the time and thought about how he could make enough money working for the first half of the year to enjoy the second half.
In his search he discovered that home builders made quite a lot of money so he borrowed a few books on how to build a house.
He immediately put an ad in the local newspaper offering his services and THEN started studying.
He got his first client within two months and spent most of his time at night reading up on what the next step was.
He did such a good job on his first house that he got a referral and within the year he had accomplished his dream.
He ended up earning more than his friends did while working 50% less.
I remember hearing this story back when I was in junior high school and I’ve never forgotten it.
Today, as I build up my companies, I think back to this story and remember that it doesn’t matter where you come from, your educational background or how much you have in the bank, tomorrow is a brand new day and with it we have the chance to be a brand new us.
So, find your dream and then go to work on making it a reality. It doesn’t get any simpler than that.
The clock’s ticking, make every minute count.
Adrian Shepherd
What a great story. I love stories like this, because they gives us courage to do something new. Especially if the man who succeeds is just like you or I. I guess most people would feel some fear when they take their first step to their goals. We must fight the fear with our strong will, because it is the key for achievement and I’m convinced everyone has this strong power. We should never forget we can do anything, if we want.
Wanting is the first step…but action is what’s needed. So many people hope, dream and wish for things to be better only to find out later that they failed to add in the final ingredient – action.
Wow. How cool! He showed by his example that knowledge and action are power to change things.
Also, wanting something isn’t enough to achieve a goal. We need hunger for it.
I think that we must find a powerful motivation to drive us to do whatever it takes to attain the goal.
Before that, it is important to understand oneself deeply and appreciate what we have as a great talent.