why some people always have free time

As a child I always considered taking a martial art. I would walk past the room where students were training and thought, “Boy, I’d love to learn that.”

But then I saw kids much younger than I was in the class and thought that maybe I was too old.

Can you believe that, I was 10 and already I was thinking I was too old.

Year after year I had the same thought until I graduated and I never even stepped in to find out what it entailed.

Finally, at the age of 27, I started thanks to a friend offering to teach me.

Once a week a few of us from work all around the same age got together and went through various techniques.

I only did it for a short time but I rather enjoyed it and learned a lot of things.

Why did I quit?

My friend got busy and I decided not to look for another teacher.

I could have, but I didn’t. I simply made the decision to focus on other things in my life.

I only have one regret – that I didn’t start sooner.

None of us are getting any younger.

A day gone by is a day we can’t get back.

I have learned that there is no better day to start something than TODAY.

Why wait till tomorrow?

In the movie Kung-fu Panda, Master Oogway says, “There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the “present.”

Today is the only day with which we have any control over.

We can design a better tomorrow but only by using our experiences from the past into our todays.

More often than not the reason we don’t get things done is simply because we put them off.

We tell ourselves that we’ll get to them tomorrow or when our kids are in school.

The result – they never get done.

They just get thrown in the pile of good intentions that we all have.

Instead of watching our favorite show before finishing what needs to be done first do it the other way around.

With them out of our way we can sit down to enjoy the rest of our time without a nagging feeling at the back of our mind.

There is no better day than today to begin to create a better life for yourself; more money, better health, more knowledge.

Get on the floor and do those 10 push-ups you’ve been promising yourself to do.

Start reading that book you’ve always wanted to.

Pick up the phone and call your mother.

Time is a wasting.

Tick Tock.

Adrian Shepherd

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