Each day we wake up, get ready for the day, then head out the door to face whatever challenges we have.
As we spend quite a sizable amount of time at the office it comes as no surprise that many of our challenges are work related but as we all know a whole range of things can happen on any given day.
Some challenges can be foreseen. Others come out of nowhere.
Yesterday was one such day for me. As many of you might know I try and post these articles just after the clock strikes midnight here in Japan.
The quiet of the night allows me to clear my mind and keep me away from many distractions during our busy lives.
It started as any other; I got my son ready for daycare and dropped him off just slightly later than usual.
Then I headed home to do some work and get my exercises done.
Around 12:15 I was ready to head off to my office. I hopped on my bike and was well on my way.
Then the unexpected happened.
I had just come down a small hill and then BAM, a lady on a bike popped out into the road without looking, and I crashed straight into her. There was nothing I could have done.
Somehow she only injured her elbow while I hurt all over.
Thankfully there was no need to call an ambulance as either one of us could have ended up with a more serious injury.
That’s life.
Despite our best intentions there are times when there is NOTHING we can do to avoid certain things.
A change in the law, an earthquake, a freak accident, another person’s mistake.
These are things we have NO control over.
What we do have control over is what we do and how we feel when we face those situations.
Those two things determine the end result.
Life is a mixture of both opportunity and difficulty.
Back in high school I read the book, “Of Mice and Men,” and while it wasn’t one of my favorite books there is one line that I have never forgotten – “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.”
We can plan all we like, but it’s almost impossible for things to go just as we had planned.
It’s a mistake to think that they will.
Things break, people forget, traffic, weather…the list goes on and on.
It pays to be flexible and to think on your feet.
In this ever changing world and with the speed at which things change so quickly people expect nothing less.
So don’t beat yourself up when things don’t go your way.
Make the best of what you’ve been given.
As the saying goes: “if you’re given lemons make lemonade”.
Adrian Shepherd